Saturday 14 March 2009

1st March

Wrote this one and not sure how it didn't get posted but... here goes

Don’t really know where to start with this one.

Was very focussed, Did the training, got the early nights, ate what I should, except for fish and chips from the chippy last Friday, didn’t drink alcohol and LOST 9lbs. I was absolutely extatic. It wasn’t difficult. I wasn’t hungry and I felt so much better except…

I was bloated. Something I learned which I found really strange was to do with bread. OK I know wholemeal is better for you than white but I thought I was being really good by paying extra and having good quality “seeded” bread. What the book basically said was “read the label” make sure the main ingredient is wholemeal, wholewheat or better still stoneground flour. Without exception when I checked the labels of the seedy stuff in Tesco the main ingredient was wheat flour.

I ate lots of bread last week and was convinced that’s why I felt so bloated.

I decided to do the Atkins for a week.

Yup I know, I swore I wouldn’t but I really was quite “desperate” to shift a lot of weight quickly. I haven’t been bloated, my concentration in work has been fantastic, exercise wise I’m flying, I’ve lost another 3lbs but I’m terrified of making myself ill so on Saturday I’ll start something else. Not quite sure what yet.