Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Week 3 - Hopefully Without Too Much Information!
My obsession with food sort of disappeared. From being constantly hungry, or so I thought, to never feeling hungry is quite an achievement. It’s a very difficult thing to explain so please excuse the waffle.
I was constantly on a diet. Constantly not eating this or that. Constantly telling myself I would lose x amount of pounds in x amount of weeks. Telling myself that I could realistically be 5 dress sizes smaller in 6 months.
What it all boiled down to was food/diet/weight loss was always on my mind, every waking and often dreaming moment.
Sticking to the diet for a week or so saw results but then came the “I’ve lost 6lb this week, what harm will a packet of tortillas of a bottle of wine do?” In theory not a lot but in practice it was sabotage and I’d failed so why not have two packets of tortillas, half a box of crackers, a pound of cheese and a bottle of wine, and that’s how the downward spiral to failure would go.
By doing this Paul McKenna it’s put things into perspective. There is a great deal more to life than losing weight. His rules are not restricting but liberating.
I ate incredibly healthily Monday to Friday. I had a take away and a bottle of wine on Saturday and on Sunday because I was so busy forgot to eat until about 3pm (yup this is me!) The repercussions were a bit of a disaster. I didn’t fancy any tea and then ended up snacking all evening, and consuming another bottle of wine.
The thing is though I haven’t broken the rules and I’m back to my healthy in the week routine.
Exercise wise last week wasn’t amazing either
Monday I really needed to rest after 7 consecutive days.
Tuesday – had a massive argument with the duvet. It wasn’t particularly my body that was tired I just couldn’t wake up. Eventually I won and tootled off to the gym for what wasn’t one of my best cross trainer sessions but at least I did it.
Wednesday - walking across the car park in work, slipped and twisted my knee. Didn’t actually fall but it was a tad painful. Instead of running I went swimming
Attempted a brick session in the gym on Thursday but had to curtail the run after 5 minutes as major problems with my knee.
Friday was a scheduled rest and as I anticipated running long Saturday and biking long on Sunday didn’t worry too much. Unfortunately a problem with mould and new bookcases meant nothing over the weekend
Taught me another valuable lesson as I didn’t find humping books up the stairs particularly easy. The books weighed considerably less than the weight I’ve got to lose.
I think I’m losing inches rather than weight though. Jim said to me the other night “You know what Mum? Your boobs are now bigger than your belly” Backhanded? It’s a compliment in my books.
“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out”
John Wooden
“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age”
Lucille Ball
“Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness”
Chinese Proverb
“A Man cannot be comfortable without his own approval”
Mark Twain
“Failure is a few errors in judgement, repeated every day”
Jim Rohn
“Always act as if you have achieved what it is you are setting out to accomplish”
Joe D Batten
“Visualisation is daydreaming with a purpose”
Bo Bennett
Monday, 19 January 2009
Congratulations! For two weeks!
Well for the benefit of Jim…
Thursday cross trainer in the gym. The bit I love most about it is the way the calorie counter spins. I’m obviously not working hard enough because it feels like very little effort for burning 600 calories in an hour.
There is just no urge to overeat whatsoever. It’s as if an alien has possessed my body.
Friday – gym and static bike. I think I need to change the sport’s programme because whatever I do my heart rate stays at around 140. Was conscious of last week’s bad day in the office hit the cider but I was determined to run long on Saturday so yet another successful not on a diet, diet day.
The rain woke me during the night and all I could think of was what was I going to wear? When I left the house at 8am the rain had stopped but boy was it cold. Not a frosty cold but a bitter wind. I’d decided to do the Borders because hey it took me 82 minutes the last (and only) time I’d done it and the longest I’ve run the past 6 weeks or so is 40 minutes so what the hell let’s double it? It’s a bit of a long incline then you hit the first hill. I’d used the old rope trick previously and it got me up again – no walking – success. I hit the top and had to walk. The wind literally took my breath away. I only walked perhaps 50 yards and then a gentle climb to the next killer hill. Amazingly that too wasn’t a problem. There’s a lovely scenic, flat bit through the village which when the sun is out and you can hear the cows, horses and sheep you realise why exactly you do this running lark. Then for the decent. The lane’s a bit rough. Wish I’d used my trail shoes. Lots of mud and general crap. Then out onto the main ish road. It’s a B road. Wide enough for 2 cars just but, the motor vehicles do tend to take it a bit fast. It’s a tiny bit hairy. That’s why I try and get out early. It’s mostly downhill with a couple of undulations and then the steep downhill which absolutely killed my knees. Then pretty flat all the way home. 78minutes – absolutely delighted. I really felt like I could have carried on. I had a very civilised conversation, without huffing and puffing, with my husband when I got in and had none of the leg shakes I’d experienced last time.
Went to Chester later on and managed to bag myself some bargain gym gear except they’re not that much of a bargain as they’ve been labelled wrong and don’t fit. Never mind more incentive to shift the weight so that they will.
Morgan had a party in the Sports Centre in the afternoon. I made casual enquiries as to when the pool would reopen and was horrified to be told the end of March/beginning of April.
When we came out it was throwing it down and blowing a hooly. I rang Mark, expecting to be told to pick him up from the pub but he wanted another hour and promised to bring a take-away home with him. Disaster! Like I can’t say no! Like just because he’s having one I don’t have to have one! I enjoyed every mouthful. I didn’t touch the Bombay alu and I gave Morgan half my rice. All in all not too bad. Except…. They gave us a free bottle of wine and I drank the lot. Then had a family bag of crisps. But what the hell? One blowout a week’s fine? Isn’t it?
Sunday I got my bike out for the first time in months. I have no lights so practically the only time I can cycle is the weekend and it’s been either too icy or too windy for ages. As I struggled along I mentally wrote my blog. Gym miles is no substitute for road miles. I really must make more effort. Then I stopped beating myself up and came to the conclusion this is the 7th consecutive day of training and I’ve done very little over the past month or so. Of course I’m going to be tired. One thing that really concerned me though was I’ve lost my nerve on the downhills. In fairness it was quite windy and there was quite a lot of crap on the roads.
I’d always thought the Borders was about 5.6miles and as I did it from home was quite convinced I was getting a good 10k out of it. My bike speedo said 5.33 so I’m still much slower than I thought.
“Pleasure is the object, the duty and the goal of all rational creatures”
“This life is not for complaint, but for satisfaction”
Henry David Thoreau
“Living in balance and purity is the highest good for you and the earth”
Deepak Chopra
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate”
Oprah Winfrey
“You have to eat regularly to maintain your energy levels – if you starve your body, it simply stores everything that you do eat”
Cindy Crawford
“Congratulations! For two weeks now you have been interuptiing your old patterns of diet and exercise and building the foundations for a whole new way of relating to food, your emotions and your body. By the time you are finished with this journal, it will be as difficult for you to go back to your old ways of doing things as it will be easy and natural to eat and live in a way that truly works for you.
Remember this journal is designed to support you in creating the habits of empowered eating. Take a moment now to jot down anything you’ve already noticed about how things are changing…..”
Paul McKenna
1. My wee is clearer
2. My bowels are regular
3. I don’t constantly think of food
4. The need to unwind with alcohol has gone
5. I’m a lot calmer
6. I’m working more efficiently – my thought processing is quicker and clearer
7. I’m able to switch off
8. I have very definite goals and plans of how I will achieve them.
9. I am so far up my own arse all I can see are my boots
10. I'm really pissed off withmyself I didn't start this before and then I might be doing the Wrexham half and not have to wait until May to do the Chester half
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Days 8, 9 and 10
It’s a bit difficult to fit it all in and blog about it!
Basically had a great day Monday. In the gym first thing and the dreaded treadmill. I did 30 mins, mainly at 8 but I did up it to 9. Felt really strong and enjoyed. Fantastic day food wise. Really not hungry.
Tuesday much of the same except I did the bike in the gym and attempted to listen to the CD. Not one of my better ideas but better than nothing.
Today – woke up to frost. The plan was to road run so I road ran. I’ve always had problems getting to the end of our road. I sound like Darth Vader and am always tempted to turn back. This morning, pushed the pace and was almost on the cross before I thought “Hey girl you’re not struggling.”
Headed out towards the killer hill and promised myself the road sign where I’d failed before plus a lamppost. Well I managed two. Headed back home again but went the long way to make up the time. I was flying.
As a bit of a footnote – wore my trail shoes for the first time and I’ve got a blister under my arch.
“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”
Stephen R Covey
“Once you learn to quit it becomes a habit”
Vincent Lombardi
“The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it”
Oscar Wilde
Monday, 12 January 2009
Day 7 Sunday 11th January 2009
I am completely fine during the day. It’s evenings I have the problem. By identifying the problem I need a solution. Basically alcohol is the trigger so it must be knocked on the head and if I’m struggling I’ll just have to go to bed.
I think the underlying problem is I expect too much too soon. I need to lose 77lbs. It would be nice to lose 4 stone by Chirk (26 April) and another stone and a half by the Diva’s (end of July) but it would be far better to lose 2lb a week AND KEEP IT OFF. Unrealistic targets need to go out of the window NOW.
“Hope is a renewable option: If you run out of it at the end of the day, you get to start over in the morning”
Barbara Kingsoliver
“Every seven days I’m going to take time out to reflect on how far you’ve come and refocus on where it is you’re heading. Here’s your very first chance to ‘review and renew’……
1.The best things that happened this week were:
I stuck to the plan and enjoyed it for 4 days
2.My biggest challenges this week were::
3. I did these things for the first time:
Visualisation and self hypnosis
4.What I learned was:
Just because I didn’t succeed every day it doesn’t make me a failure
5My top three priorities for the week ahead are:
a. 6 gym or training sessions
b. Listen to the CD
c. Contingency plans – cereal bars in my desk in work – if I’m hungry I will eat.
Today’s Success Checklist
1. I ate when I was hungry NO I just ate and ate and ate
2. I ate what I really wanted YES
3.I ate consciously NO
4. I stopped when full NO
5. I drank water YES
6.I moved my body NO
7.I listened to the CD NO
8.I did the Mirror exercise YES
9.I did NOT drink alcohol NO
One Positive Thing I Noticed Today….
It wasn't as bad as yesterday.
What I’m Looking Forward To Tomorrow…
Getting back to the gym!
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Day 6 Saturday 10 January 2009
Ok you are warned that there will be bad days. Didn’t expect to have such a bad one so soon and so spectacularly bad.
I am taking total responsibility for this.
So it kind of starts in Tesco! Mark heads off down the wine isle and I say “No I don’t want any!” When I eventually picked him up off the floor, he doesn’t react well to shock, he insisted that we buy 2 bottles as there was none in the house and I’d end up sending him out in the freezing cold at an ungodly hour to buy some anyway.
“Just because we’ve got them Lynne, doesn’t mean you have to drink them!”
Famous last words.
I also bought a bag of pretzels because I hadn’t been able to get any over Christmas – just in case.
Hands up who can guess where this is going? I think it’s the sabotage I need to reread.
Dropped Mark off in the pub on the way back. Put the shopping away. Got out the gammon joint that we were due to have for tea to discover it was 10 days past its sell by date and it smelled rank. Rang Mark to tell him and his obvious reply was “Don’t worry I’ll get a takeaway on the way in.”
We’d just spent £115 on food but a takeaway? What the hell! Go on it’s Saturday night and as a new member of the I don’t have to have a clean plate club I could always stop when I was full?
As it was only 3 O’clock and tea wouldn’t be until half six I settled down with a cup of coffee and 2 mince pies.
Mark turns up with an Indian banquet and I scoff the lot and a bottle and a half of wine and the family bag of pretzels.
Told you it was a disaster. No point crying over spilled milk or overeating. Tomorrow’s another day.
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it”
William Arthur Ward
“When we are wrapped up in our own worries and concerns it is the easiest thing in the world to overlook all the good things we already have in our lives.
Today we are going to reverse that pattern. Ask yourself to focus on what’s already working well in your life. Ask and answer these questions each time you notice you are hungry. When you’ve fed your heart, it will be time to feed your body….
· Who do I love?
· Who loves me?
· What am I most grateful for in my life?
· What is it about that which makes me feel grateful? “
Paul McKenna
Today’s Success Checklist
1. I ate when I was hungry NO I just ate and ate and ate
2. I ate what I really wanted YES
3.I ate consciously NO
4. I stopped when full NO
5. I drank water YES and wine
6.I moved my body NO
7.I listened to the CD NO
8.I did the Mirror exercise YES
9.I did NOT drink alcohol NO Arghhhhhhh!!!
One Positive Thing I Noticed Today….
I recognise this as a blip – but a blip is all it is.
What I’m Looking Forward To Tomorrow…
Getting back on the horse!
Day 5 Friday 9th January 2009
Confession number 2 – I consumed 3 cans of cider. I guess that’s why you’re not supposed to weigh yourself.
Lots of lessons to be learned from today.
I felt really hungry by about 11:30. I had nothing to eat as a standby so had to struggle on until my lunch at 1:00. Hunger satisfied. Leaned that my manager had made her Celebrity Slim soup yesterday, put it in the shaker, shaked and the top had blown off ( the old steam engine theory, I believe) Fortunately it had exploded away from her, up the walls and into the electric socket which had blown. We all found this highly amusing but in reality the consequenses could have been very different.
It’s been a really hectic week in work and approaching 5:00 the observations of “I’m going to get pi$$ed!” “I’m going to get rat ar$ed” started to flow. I had no intention of consuming alcohol but then after my tea settling down nicely to “Trial and Retribution” I thought “I’ll just have the one – seen as I’ve lost 6lbs.” Big mistake. Led to another and another.
“You will think more than 50,000 thoughts today, so you might as well make them big ones”
Donald Trump
“Close your eyes and vividly imagine it’s a year from now and you have had your best year so far. What must have happened for that to be true?
Be specific about each area of your life: your health, your career, your relationships, your finances, your spirituality.
Remember it’s very important to be clear. If you put vagueness out you will get vague results back. So take a few minutes and imagine your life has become outrageously better. Then at least five times today, spend a few moments thinking about how good your life can be!”
Paul McKenna
Today’s Success Checklist
1. I ate when I was hungry NO I was hungry today – need better preparation
2. I ate what I really wanted YES
3.I ate consciously YES
4. I stopped when full YES
5. I drank water YES
6.I moved my body NO
7.I listened to the CD NO
8.I did the Mirror exercise YES
9.I did NOT drink alcohol NO Arghhhhhhh!!!
One Positive Thing I Noticed Today….
Black circles are disappearing from under my eyes.
What I’m Looking Forward To Tomorrow…
Weekend woopeeeee!
Friday, 9 January 2009
Day 4 Thursday 8 January
I’d hinted to Jim that I couldn’t get his footy boots. (I really couldn’t get them online and it took trawling all over North Wales, and the North West, to track down a pair in his size – in Wrexham of all places!) The look on his face when he opened them was priceless. You’d swear he was 7 not 13! Just a shame he had to go to school on his birthday.
I found time to listen to the CD. Waiting for the kids outside school, eyes shut looking like a right dork I guess is not the best place but I listened to it. Can’t tell you how difficult I found it counting back from 300. Yet again a strange, but not unpleasant experience.
Like I said yesterday tea in my Mum’s. She’s renowned for massive portions and she is the founder of the clean plate club. I had a cunning plan. I dished my own and purposely made it around half her normal portion size. I was last to finish but what the hell. I’d decided I was going to have birthday cake but in the end had trifle.
When I got home Mark decided to have Ritz and Stilton. I really fancied crackers and cheese so, I had them. 5 water biscuits and really thin slithers of cheddar. Not sure if this is good or not but before this regime I would have devoured the packet and a full block of cheese.
I really fancied alcohol – but I didn’t give in to temptation.
“Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change”
Katherine Mansfield
“When we focus on our goals for the future, it can sometimes seem as though we are rejecting who we are in the present
Take a few minutes to stand in front of the mirror today and send love and approval to your body. Remember acceptance doesn’t mean that you don’t want to change something – it just means that you are willing to accept that where you are now is where you are now”
Paul McKenna
Today’s Success Checklist
1. I ate when I was hungry YES I was hungry today
2. I ate what I really wanted YES crackers and cheese yummy
3.I ate consciously YES slow really works
4. I stopped when full YES think so giving myself benefit of doubt over trifle
5. I drank water YES
6.I moved my body NO
7.I listened to the CD YES Imagination is stronger than willpower. Imagining what I will look like and what I will do once this weight is shifted is very powerful inspiration
8.I did the Mirror exercise YES
9.I did NOT drink alcohol YES more difficult
One Positive Thing I Noticed Today….
You don’t have to be perfect to succeed.
What I’m Looking Forward To Tomorrow…
Friday! Weekend nearly here!
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Day 3 Wednesday 7th January 2009
Gym this morning decided on 45 mins on my old friend the cross trainer as it is so good for calorie burning. Well we had a bit of a fall out. It kept telling me to slow down to keep my heart rate within the zone.I upped it to cardio and we got along just fine I just got incredibly bored after 30 mins so had this wonderful idea that a treadmill run might be in order. (To those of you who’ve ever read any of my other ramblings I detest the treadmill with a passion.)
I find 8 difficult so to start this morning do 2 minutes at 9 – just to prove that I can do it. Hey at this precise moment in time I’m invincible so I do another 10 mins at 8 and alternate between 8 and 9 for the last 3 mins. Just to prove I can up my pace and I will do a 30min 5k one day.
Work was really busy so didn’t have time to think about food.
Lunch time was interesting. My Manager’s started the Rowland’s Celebrity Shake plan today and another girl, who’s lost 42lbs on lighter life is back on the Lighter Life after a bit of a lapse over Christmas. It’s not a competition but I bet I beat them. Was discussing my plan today and have been reliably informed that the CD is the best bit about this eating plan – and I haven’t even tried it yet.
“Part of the secret of successin life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.”
Mark Twain
Today’s the day when you’re supposed to go clear out your fridge and cupboards of any food that doesn’t totally inspire you. Well I threw away precisely nothing. This is the bit I remember from watching the programme last year and since then I’ve literally not bought or eaten anything low fat or low calorie. I remember to compensate for the fat and sugars and stuff that a shed load of additives and E’s were included. It’s like my cup a soup yesterday – thoroughly enjoyed every mouthful.
Today’s Success Checklist
1. I ate when I was hungry YES I never thought I’d say I nearly forgot to eat!
2. I ate what I really wanted YES Absolute heaven
3.I ate consciously YES Cut my butties into 4!
4. I stopped when full YES Such a relatively small amount does satisfy
5. I drank water YES
6.I moved my body YES 45mins in the gym
7.I listened to the CD NO time!
8.I did the Mirror exercise YES I am Julia Roberts not Jo Brand
9.I did NOT drink alcohol YES Easy
One Positive Thing I Noticed Today….
Concentration much better in work.
What I’m Looking Forward To Tomorrow…
Jim’s Birthday – Tea in Mums with Birthday Cake and no guilt!
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Day 2 Tuesday 6 January 2009
Firstly I’m ready to go to the gym, look at the car, realise it’s frozen solid and know that if I defrost it I’ll only have 30mins exercise time. Decisions, decisions. I go anyway – so there’s a yes that was a no yesterday.
Water’s not a problem usually. A pint (and a coffee) before the gym. A point and a coffee after the gym. On the way to work there was an accident which delayed me somewhat. There was nearly an accident in my car. I was absolutely bursting for the loo when I got to work.
Our office is on 2 floors and downstairs had a powercut. As their work is more deadline driven than ours they came upstairs to use our PC’s and we were given the option of going home or sorting vouchers. Needless to say I came home.
I’ve managed to sort a lot of paperwork and do quite a lot of tidying which has left my mind somewhat decluttered so a very productive day all in all.
“The human body is the best picture of the human soul.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein
“Today take some time to find a picture of something or someone that inspires you…..Whenever you need an extra dose of courage or determination you can look at the picture and inspire yourself to success!”
The most inspirational picture I have is of me completing the triathlon in Chirk last year. The feeling of euphoria I experienced crossing that line was something I will never be able to put into words. I worked for it. I did it. I didn’t give up. How much better am I going to feel when I lose all this weight?
Today’s Success Checklist
1. I ate when I was hungry YES I was really hungry after picking the kids up from school and had an absolutely delicious full fat cup a soup!
2. I ate what I really wanted YES Absolute heaven
3.I ate consciously YES Slowly and chewed properly – mash is not the easiest thing to chew!
4. I stopped when full YES Tried smaller portions and I was full
5. I drank water YES
6.I moved my body YES 30mins static bike in the gym
7.I listened to the CD NO time!
8.I did the Mirror exercise YES takes very little time. Rather a strange experience
9.I did NOT drink alcohol YES Easy
One Positive Thing I Noticed Today….
I could very easily have not gone to the gym. I went and felt the benefit.
What I’m Looking Forward To Tomorrow…
Tomorrow – everything about it.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Day 1 5th January 2009
Right so we got a 90 day journal on this so I’m going to try to do it online every day just to give an indication of what it’s like how I feel etc. I’m going to be working a day behind though to give a full picture of the day.
Alcohol is allowed but it’s such a trigger for me and overeating I have decided to give it up.
I saw the Paul McKenna I can make you thin show last year and thought the idea was great but… This book is better and has been tweeked.
The problem I found with the show was telling you to chew your food like 20 times. Well I totally agree with chewing properly but chewing mash 20 times was erm.. a bit impossible and a bit demotivating. He also said in the show things like next week I’ll teach you about…” Well to be honest I didn’t want to wait until next week so that’s why the book I think will work for me. I bought it tea time last Friday and had read it before I went to bed. I know I will have to keep rereading it but at least I’ve got all the info.
The things I found particularly pertinent was the emotional eating and sabotaging your diet. Sums up basically my last 25 years. The fact that I now know I’m not alone in this, and he’s provided me with the tools to cope, has given me hope.
I found the exercise section interesting too. I was surprised at the little effort he expected. I have a very short memory. That little extra effort would have been a mountain to me just over a year ago. I still need to push my exercise harder, longer and further to gain maximum effect
So here we go
“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible”
~ St Francis of Assisi
Today’s Success Checklist
1. I ate when I was hungry YES I really have difficulty knowing what real hunger is
2. I ate what I really wanted YES Absolute heaven
3.I ate consciously YES Slowly and chewed properly – more difficult than it sounds when you’re used to having a fork to gob production line
4. I stopped when full YES I really knew when I was full. A strange experience
5. I drank water YES Quite an easy one really
6.I moved my body YES If cleaning counts
7.I listened to the CD NO hard to find 30 mins. Can’t do it driving or when doing anything else
8.I did the Mirror exercise NO again must find time
9.I did NOT drink alcohol YES Easy
One Positive Thing I Noticed Today….
I felt really strong and determined. As I can eat anything I can’t fail. It really is a journey into self awareness
What I’m Looking Forward To Tomorrow…
Proving today wasn’t just a one off
Monday, 5 January 2009
Well I’ve got 5 and a half stone to lose I’ve pretty much tried everything and what jumped out at me doing my shopping in Tesco on Friday was Paul McKenna’s “I can make you thin.” I don’t want to be thin thank you very much but I do want to be healthy.
It’s so simple
Eat when you’re REALLY hungry
Eat What you really want
Eat consciously
Stop When You’re Full
Drink Water
So I have officially resigned from the clean plate club. (Yup I was indoctrinated with starving kids in Africa)
I start today but have been practicing. It’s very difficult to concentrate specifically on what you’re eating. Meals around the table in our house are always filled with chat and banter. I had a bacon butty on Saturday – in front of the telly but not watching it. Concentrating on every mouthful and chewing really slowly it was the best bacon butty I’ve ever tasted. I had veg curry and a baked spud Saturday night. The texture of this meal mad it difficult to chew but I did appreciate the flavours more. Yesterda we had a carvery lunch for my Mum's birthdayI really struggled – to finish – in fact I didn’t which is a first and progress.
There’s a lot of psychological stuff in the book that explain lots of my reasons for overeating. I’ve loaded the CD onto my phone which basically translated is my ipod.
There’s a big thing about not weighing yourself for 2 weeks which I will find hard. There’s also a 90 day journal which I intend to post on here.
Feeling very, very positive.