Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Day 1 5th January 2009

Right so we got a 90 day journal on this so I’m going to try to do it online every day just to give an indication of what it’s like how I feel etc. I’m going to be working a day behind though to give a full picture of the day.

Alcohol is allowed but it’s such a trigger for me and overeating I have decided to give it up.

I saw the Paul McKenna I can make you thin show last year and thought the idea was great but… This book is better and has been tweeked.

The problem I found with the show was telling you to chew your food like 20 times. Well I totally agree with chewing properly but chewing mash 20 times was erm.. a bit impossible and a bit demotivating. He also said in the show things like next week I’ll teach you about…” Well to be honest I didn’t want to wait until next week so that’s why the book I think will work for me. I bought it tea time last Friday and had read it before I went to bed. I know I will have to keep rereading it but at least I’ve got all the info.

The things I found particularly pertinent was the emotional eating and sabotaging your diet. Sums up basically my last 25 years. The fact that I now know I’m not alone in this, and he’s provided me with the tools to cope, has given me hope.

I found the exercise section interesting too. I was surprised at the little effort he expected. I have a very short memory. That little extra effort would have been a mountain to me just over a year ago. I still need to push my exercise harder, longer and further to gain maximum effect

So here we go

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible”
~ St Francis of Assisi

Today’s Success Checklist

1. I ate when I was hungry YES I really have difficulty knowing what real hunger is
2. I ate what I really wanted YES Absolute heaven
3.I ate consciously YES Slowly and chewed properly – more difficult than it sounds when you’re used to having a fork to gob production line
4. I stopped when full YES I really knew when I was full. A strange experience
5. I drank water YES Quite an easy one really
6.I moved my body YES If cleaning counts
7.I listened to the CD NO hard to find 30 mins. Can’t do it driving or when doing anything else
8.I did the Mirror exercise NO again must find time
9.I did NOT drink alcohol YES Easy

One Positive Thing I Noticed Today….
I felt really strong and determined. As I can eat anything I can’t fail. It really is a journey into self awareness

What I’m Looking Forward To Tomorrow…
Proving today wasn’t just a one off

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