Sunday, 11 January 2009

Day 6 Saturday 10 January 2009

Ok first things first – confession. Diasaster! Disaster! Disaster!

Ok you are warned that there will be bad days. Didn’t expect to have such a bad one so soon and so spectacularly bad.

I am taking total responsibility for this.

So it kind of starts in Tesco! Mark heads off down the wine isle and I say “No I don’t want any!” When I eventually picked him up off the floor, he doesn’t react well to shock, he insisted that we buy 2 bottles as there was none in the house and I’d end up sending him out in the freezing cold at an ungodly hour to buy some anyway.

“Just because we’ve got them Lynne, doesn’t mean you have to drink them!”

Famous last words.

I also bought a bag of pretzels because I hadn’t been able to get any over Christmas – just in case.

Hands up who can guess where this is going? I think it’s the sabotage I need to reread.

Dropped Mark off in the pub on the way back. Put the shopping away. Got out the gammon joint that we were due to have for tea to discover it was 10 days past its sell by date and it smelled rank. Rang Mark to tell him and his obvious reply was “Don’t worry I’ll get a takeaway on the way in.”

We’d just spent £115 on food but a takeaway? What the hell! Go on it’s Saturday night and as a new member of the I don’t have to have a clean plate club I could always stop when I was full?

As it was only 3 O’clock and tea wouldn’t be until half six I settled down with a cup of coffee and 2 mince pies.

Mark turns up with an Indian banquet and I scoff the lot and a bottle and a half of wine and the family bag of pretzels.

Told you it was a disaster. No point crying over spilled milk or overeating. Tomorrow’s another day.

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it”
William Arthur Ward

“When we are wrapped up in our own worries and concerns it is the easiest thing in the world to overlook all the good things we already have in our lives.

Today we are going to reverse that pattern. Ask yourself to focus on what’s already working well in your life. Ask and answer these questions each time you notice you are hungry. When you’ve fed your heart, it will be time to feed your body….
· Who do I love?
· Who loves me?
· What am I most grateful for in my life?
· What is it about that which makes me feel grateful? “

Paul McKenna

Today’s Success Checklist
1. I ate when I was hungry NO I just ate and ate and ate
2. I ate what I really wanted YES
3.I ate consciously NO
4. I stopped when full NO
5. I drank water YES and wine
6.I moved my body NO
7.I listened to the CD NO
8.I did the Mirror exercise YES
9.I did NOT drink alcohol NO Arghhhhhhh!!!

One Positive Thing I Noticed Today….
I recognise this as a blip – but a blip is all it is.

What I’m Looking Forward To Tomorrow…
Getting back on the horse!

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