Sunday, 11 January 2009

Day 5 Friday 9th January 2009

Ok first things first – confession. I weighed myself. I’ve lost 6lbs woopy doo!

Confession number 2 – I consumed 3 cans of cider. I guess that’s why you’re not supposed to weigh yourself.

Lots of lessons to be learned from today.

I felt really hungry by about 11:30. I had nothing to eat as a standby so had to struggle on until my lunch at 1:00. Hunger satisfied. Leaned that my manager had made her Celebrity Slim soup yesterday, put it in the shaker, shaked and the top had blown off ( the old steam engine theory, I believe) Fortunately it had exploded away from her, up the walls and into the electric socket which had blown. We all found this highly amusing but in reality the consequenses could have been very different.

It’s been a really hectic week in work and approaching 5:00 the observations of “I’m going to get pi$$ed!” “I’m going to get rat ar$ed” started to flow. I had no intention of consuming alcohol but then after my tea settling down nicely to “Trial and Retribution” I thought “I’ll just have the one – seen as I’ve lost 6lbs.” Big mistake. Led to another and another.

“You will think more than 50,000 thoughts today, so you might as well make them big ones”
Donald Trump

“Close your eyes and vividly imagine it’s a year from now and you have had your best year so far. What must have happened for that to be true?

Be specific about each area of your life: your health, your career, your relationships, your finances, your spirituality.

Remember it’s very important to be clear. If you put vagueness out you will get vague results back. So take a few minutes and imagine your life has become outrageously better. Then at least five times today, spend a few moments thinking about how good your life can be!”

Paul McKenna

Today’s Success Checklist
1. I ate when I was hungry NO I was hungry today – need better preparation
2. I ate what I really wanted YES
3.I ate consciously YES
4. I stopped when full YES
5. I drank water YES
6.I moved my body NO
7.I listened to the CD NO
8.I did the Mirror exercise YES
9.I did NOT drink alcohol NO Arghhhhhhh!!!

One Positive Thing I Noticed Today….
Black circles are disappearing from under my eyes.

What I’m Looking Forward To Tomorrow…
Weekend woopeeeee!

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